Second Blog Anniversary

I am very happy to share with my readers that today my blog- Zaiqa, has completed two years of sharing with you all, the love for food that I, a Hyderabadi homesick have, with all that has been cooking in my house, my kitchen. It has been a wonderful experience.

Inshallah hopefully I will continue to blog and romance food in the future, showcase as many recipes and my family style of home cooking here on my web log. Thank you all for being a part of my journey.

Changes: I have updated a new theme for my blog and also installed the post views count today.


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29 Responses to “Second Blog Anniversary”

  1. Congrats dear Mona on your second blogversary..wishing you many more 🙂

  2. Mubarak Mona! I’m so glad I rediscovered Hyderabadi dishes in your lovely blog.Keep rocking:)

  3. Hey Mona,
    Wish you a very Happy Second Anniversary!
    Love the new look on your blog…

  4. Congratulations on your second year of blogging, and thank you so much for sharing all the wonderfully yummy recipes.

  5. I have been following your blog for a short time and enjoying the pictures, recipies and comments. I have yet to make any dishes but when I do, I shall know come here to get the instructions for a tasty meal.

  6. Happy Anniversary darling, May your blog have many such wonderful years ahead inshallah. I am sure you are quite a fan among many, who constantly rufffle through your blog to come up with their lunch/dinner menu.
    Good luck!

  7. hey mona
    adab,salam in ur style
    congratulations and mubarak .
    i am new to ur blog and just loves it.
    i love ur recipes specially ur experimental and practical ideas u do with cooking, buttttttt still maintains the authencity of hyderabad dishes. vow.
    we need some moohmeetha like we do backhome dessert recipe on this special occassion. yes my request icecreamcake.

  8. Congrats, Mona. “Blog-saalgirah mubarak”!

  9. Mubarak Ho Mona.

    I know how difficult is it to run this site and specially recipes. but when we have a passion for cooking, it becomes easy .. keep rocking..

  10. Hey Mona

    Many many congratz.. your blog has always been an inspiration for me. I’m a regular reader though don’t comment often 🙂

    May you have many more to come.

    Hugs and prayers on your way

  11. mubarak ho mona

    itni achi site hai.

  12. Congratulations Mona ! spectacular job …also, the new look is pretty cool and colorful …Gud Luck Dear !

  13. Asak Mona,
    Mubarak on your second Anniversary!

  14. Happy Second Anniversary! Can’t wait to see another year of posts!

  15. Congrats Mona…wishes for many more years!

  16. Congratulations Mona!! I look forward to your new recipe posts and will keep doing so… This website of yours makes a big part of my homesickness disappear as I find my myself lost in your delicious recipes and the memories it brings back for me, of my home kitchen and my mom cooking some wonderful food! yum!!

  17. Congratulations mona and wishes for more to come. Like the new template.

  18. Fatima Manzoor Says:

    Congratulations Mona! Its gr8 to know that Zaiqa has completed two years. You have been a gr8 source of information for us hyderabadis. As i am a working mother of three kids, i hardly get chance to cook authentic hyd dishes, however i have tried a few of your recipes, and it came out perfect……..
    Keep going girl, we all LOVE you!!!

  19. Assalamvalekum Mona, Happy blog anniversary…..wish many more yum years to come…..Keep rocking!

  20. JhananiAmma Says:

    Congratulations, Mona. I came to your website via Yasmeen’s and was very happy to discover hyderabadi cuisine. Though I have not tried any recipes till now, but would love to try in future.
    My wishes and prayers.

  21. Happy blog anniversary. I look forward to many more years of your delicious recipes.

  22. Fatima Ali Says:

    Assalaamu Alaikum, Mona…

    Mashallah !!! ur Recipes r very good … i dont rmbr how many i made till now … but itz same taste of my ammi hands. Keep it up ur job, itz great.

    Jazak Allah Khair
    Walaikum Assalaam

  23. Assalaamu Alaikum,

    Mona, can u show how to make meethi dal … it my fav. but i dont rmbr how ammi use 2 make. It is not in ur Recipe Index.

    Fatima, the recipe for Mitthi Dal is posted here on my blog. It is also present in the Recipe Index ~Mona

  24. First time here!!Glad to know that you are from Hyderabad.You have lovely collection with wonderfully taken pics.
    Great job.
    Drop in sometime!!

  25. Congrats ,Happy blog anniversary, can u show how to make kaddu ka halwa.

    Soujanya, Kaddu ka Meetha is posted here on my blog. It is also present in the Recipe Index ~Mona

  26. mallugirl Says:

    many many congrats dear.. love your recipes.

  27. Happy blog anniversary Mona, I enjoy your recipes, so keep them coming !

  28. Hey Mona – Congrats on the second anniversary!!

    This blog is awesome – its a treat for all the hard-core Hyderbadis n Hydera-holics like me 🙂 I’m sure there’s plenty in here…

    Keep up the great work and many thanks for all the posts!

  29. Happy blog-anniversary mona 🙂
    I wish you many more to come 🙂

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