
May 13th, 2009 Mona Posted in Muskmelon/Kharbooza 9 Comments »

Cantaloupe is a Muskmelon, a very fragrant melon, also called as Kharbooza in Urdu. It is a delicious fruit with its origins in India. It has a hard netted rind with delicious sweet juicy edible pulpy peach colored flesh with a musky aroma and flavor. The seeds are arranged in the center in a fibrous net.

Cantaloupe ~ Kharbooza

This fruit is very easily digested, and has a high water content. It is rich in folate, fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, sodium, fructose, glucose, sucrose, traces of copper, manganese and zinc; the phytonutrients include beta carotene, caffeic acid, ferulic acid and rutin. Cantaloupe contains more beta-carotene than any other melon.

Kharbooza helps lower blood cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. It helps lower the risk of heart disease and cancer, boosts immune system, protects against macular degenaration, and aid liver health. It has also has antitumur and anti-inflammatory properties.

Choose Cantaloupes that have a prominent veins on the thick beige colored rind. They should be firm to touch, not soft, and heavy. Store them at room temperature for around 4 days. Then refrigerate and store them for almost 5 days. Wash the Cantaloupe thoroughly, so to avoid any risk of carrying the bacteria from the skin into the fruit with the knife. Cut the melon into thin slices. Peel the skin of the individual slices and cut the flesh into pieces and chill in the refrigerator. Serve the required melon pieces into invividual bowls and pour chilled milk. Sprinkle granulated sugar and serve. You can store the remaining in an air tight plastic box for almost 3 days.


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