Weekend Treat

May 18th, 2009 Mona Posted in Doughnuts, General 11 Comments »

When I first tasted them, I immediately fell in love with these sinful fried cakes.

Vanilla Glazed Donuts with Sprinkles

This long weekend, we had some scrumptious Doughnuts from Tim Hortons as a treat. There are many varieties of doughnuts, and other goodies available at ‘Tim Hortons’. My favorite ones are the ‘Canadian Maple glazed Doughnuts’. Tim Hortons are the largest chain of coffee and baked goods selling chain of restaurants here in Canada. There seems to one at every corner and always brimming with people that love the food available there.

box of a dozen Donuts from Tim Hortons

Doughnuts are considered as a ‘Canadian thing’ and loved by all Canadians so dearly that many have said it should be a Canadian National food. , hence ubiquitious to Canada.

Enjoy the pictures and remember to savor these delicious doughnuts if you are visiting Canada anytime.


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I Feel Terrible

February 28th, 2009 Mona Posted in General 4 Comments »

I feel terrible to helplessly watch those dying Palestinians. They are being brutally massacred every minute.

I feel sad and disgusted as the world has become just an onlooker to the slow genocide happening there. Is it so burdonesome for us all to show mere humanity?

I weep in my Salah, beg my Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) for mercy, everytime I think about those people, the everyday havoc they are going through.

No Medical aid, no protection, no proper food or water supply, no income, no job, no permits, no proper fuel supplies, no electricity, no roof to keep safe yourselves and your family…

I am not able to sleep or eat properly, enjoy any of the luxuries that Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) has bestowed me with alhamdulillah after apprehending the situation there in Palestine.

Let us all stand united against Israeli siege to Palestine. Let us all be Pro-Justice and play our part in bringing a little hope to the innumerable homeless families in Palestine. Let us all PraySupportVolunteer, Donate, Do whatever possible for Palastine as much as possible everyday and spread the word.

Let us raise our hands to pray to our God for mercy, justice and peace.

(Note: I have been receiving some racist comments from a few people repeatedly on this post. Comments have been closed for that reason)


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Celebrating First Blog Anniversary

June 25th, 2008 Mona Posted in General 24 Comments »

Zaiqa has today turned one! 

Its about an year now since I had been food blogging. I am thrilled and its time to celebrate my One Year Blog Anniversary.


I dont believe its almost an year now since I had been food blogging and with each and every passing day my love and passion for blogging about food and my recipes has only enlarged and advanced. I am learning everyday, about the different cuisines through many of my foodie friends and their wonderful food blogs. And I have made numerous friends through this medium, some of them, my beloved readers who encourage me, and drop lovely words and comments, and some of them, the esteemed and highly talented foodies out there in the ever growing world of food blogging who inspire, teach and present us all with the various ways of whipping up foods into something luscious and tantalizing both for the eyes and palate.

Through this medium I attempt to exemplify the world about the modern Hyderabadi everyday cooking with basic ingredients in a healthful way, the way my elders have been practising, the way my Mummy, Mother-in-law, Naniammi and Dadiammi taught me and the way I am learning each day.

I will try my best to continue food blogging for many more days to come. Thanks for all your lovely comments and words of appreciation and encouragement. 


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Happy New Year 2008 !!

January 3rd, 2008 Mona Posted in General 9 Comments »

Hi Everyone! Here’s wishing you all a very very Happy New Year 2008!

I had started my blog as just a journal of my recipes the last year, and somehow i just got so hooked on to blogging, and i was getting appreciated and encouraged by so many. Now its almost 7 months since I started this blog, and i’m loving my new interest in blogging a lot. I will continue to be regular in posting my daily as well as special dishes and their recipes on my blog, and i will do this to the best as i can..

I am humbled, proud, and immensely thankful for the appreciation and lovely comments. It was all very encouraging indeed. Love you all my readers!


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Weekend trip to Niagara Falls

July 31st, 2007 Mona Posted in General 6 Comments »

On the last Saturday we had been to the Niagara Falls, nature’s spectacular wonder! It is one of the most amazing things one can see and admire in life. Its natural splendour, beauty and charm is beyond compare. People from all over the world come to watch this beautiful landscape. Its also a place for the newly weds, I found many of them sitting together.

Canadian Horseshoe Falls – Niagara Falls

The little steamboat that you can see close to the falls is the ‘Maid of the Mist’. It is a powerful diesel-engined boat that takes you from the Canadian docks past the base of the American Falls, then into the basin of the magnificent Canadian Horseshoe Falls. A recyclable souvenir raincoat is provided free with admission to help keep you dry from the mist and spray. The Maid departs every 15 minutes and it has a 600 passenger load. I was not able to take a ride in the Maid this time. But, my hubby has promised me that he will make arrangements and definetely take me on that boat in our next trip. Getting that close to the Falls might be an experience one cannot ever forget! I look forward to it. And you guys, if possible, try visiting this place sometime in your life and you will love it.

notice the small deck below for people to have a closer look at the falls

As we are currently living in Canada, we decided that we will from now on take time out of our lives and visit this place atleast once every year.


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